Call To Action Simple Style

[calltoaction title="Effortless is incredibly responsive, with a multipurpose design" title_color="#666" button_text="Click here" button_link="" target="self" button_color="#fff" button_background="#2ecc71" color="#666" background="#bdc3c7"]And it has some awesome features, unlimited colors, advanced template options and so much more! [/calltoaction]

Call To Action 3px Radius Style

[calltoaction title="Effortless is incredibly responsive, with a multipurpose design" title_color="#ffffff" button_text="Purchase Now" target="self" button_color="#444" button_background="#DDDDDD" color="#DDD" background="#444444" radius="3" button_radius="3"]And it has some awesome features, unlimited colors, advanced template options and so much more![/calltoaction]

Call To Action 100% Radius Style

[calltoaction title="Effortless is incredibly responsive, with a multipurpose design" title_color="#ffffff" button_text="Purchase Now" button_link="" target="self" button_color="#34495e" button_background="#e67e22" color="#34495e" background="#95a5a6" radius="100" button_radius="100"]And it has some awesome features, unlimited colors, advanced template options and so much more![/calltoaction]